Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Coming Attractions!

     Greetings and Salutations folks, here at Ziltopia it's true I may seem to focus on one game or another at times and have a hard time posting general info or more wide spread coverage of games in general but it's a slow move pebble gaining speed over each valley until it's one big boulder of information goodness. Coming soon there will be links to various blogs each dealing with a different MMO's I at least occasioanlly play,some original thoughts and some relaying info. Here on the main page i'll update things pertaining personally to me in gaming, whether that's a proud in game achieve or just something new I want to comment on, also time to time i'll give my opinions on new game trailers, some MMO some console. Keep your eye out, follow, whatever you wanna do but things are coming soon!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Greetings and Salutations Gamers and non-gamers alike! My name's Tom/Thomas/Tommy whatever you feel is to your liking. I've been wanting to do something like this for quite awhile now and time-work-life has kept it too chaotic for such a thing. A little about myself I guess, I grew up around alot of Michigan Cities, yes I went to Detroit alot, no I've never met Eminem or Kid Rock, though I do have a cousin in a  pretty well known current band (He's just the drummer so settle down) Anywho I was there awhile and when I was able I ventured out into the world and ended up in the state of Oklahoma. First few years were a bit chaotic and not the best thing in the world but eventually I met my wife. We've been together 11 years now and I love every minute of it. Personal hobbies besides gaming of course are drawing(I'm not awesome but i;ve had a couple things published so it's something) writing or honestly i'd never do a thing such as this at all, I read alot as well as an avid moviephile. 
Ok so on to the gaming stuff. I started video games back in 1985, my mom bought me a NES and would sit for hours playing mario and zelda and many other games. From that point on I was hooked. Over the years I went through phases of adventure and sports games to rpgs and fighting games, driving games and wrestling games to shoot em ups and open world goodness. about 6-7 years ago I came across World of Warcraft and before someone says "WoW sucks" it was very rewarding in some ways for 5 years of my life. I may have had bad luck with guilds and not gotten lucky breaks in raiding but I enjoyed it to a point. I eventually simply got tired of the same old thing, I began getting in alphas a betas somehow easily, absorbing and reading on all kinds of other MMO's. I had fun in some and others not so much but throughout all of them one thing rang true is I was looking for something. Now I still play many of them on and off, Rift/ Swtor/ Defiance? Guildwars 2/ Marvel heroes do all still have this or that I enjoy. My recent interest is the game by Carbine called Wildstar and you can see my Wildstar blog at Protostartopia  where I go more in depth why i'm into the game and Wildstar related news moving forward. I will likely as well do some updates on these other games perhaps in simple news updates on their own respective blogs as I get time to write them up.
     To sum it up i'm just a gamer, a guy who likes playing, like socializing when i play, i'm not going to say i'm the best or any nonsense like that but I will say I am the best at playing how I particularly want to play, i'm the best person I feel I can be, and if you need a helping hand I will do my best to extend it to you, we all need to perhaps step back, calm down, and act decent to eachother and help out but that's my opinion and that's what makes life great we can have opinions, we can voice them and if people agree verycool and if they don't well they don't it's their opinion at that point and that's ok too. 
     I'll update this sometimes daily, sometimes weekly just as things game related fall, I hope you be true to yourself and to eachother out there, we're all we got guys!